Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My Two Dads

Think of this blog as a baby.

It's only a day old and it is shitting. A lot.

Now, we've all known people who grew up in single-parent families. Well we used to know them, before they went to jail.

That being said, I need help changing the diapers. So I've invited someone to co-author the site. He once drank a whole thing of Thunderbird, so you know he's good people.

This might bring to mind visions of that crappy sitcom from the '80s. Well, that wasn't funny or interesting, especially since they never showed the episode where Nicole started getting her period. If the show were still on, she'd be 35 with six kids and married to a guy who looks like Billy Ray Cyrus.

"Honey, we're all out of chili."

So don't worry about the preponderance of masculinity here. The other guy has long hair, that way the gender roles sort of figure themselves out.

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